Sunday, November 26, 2006


meet the view from room! although not always as pretty!

not only did i have a great time with the snowball fight at church but guess what i just did??
thats right, I brought in snow in a tub and heated some maple syrup and made candy!! :)

then I went outside and man a huge snowman - with a top hat and all! in the middle anne came to take pictures and dennis, anne and I had some fun chucking snowballs around! I then finished the snowman! all in all it was a good day!! (partly because I got to see joel - d'oh im in trouble that little guy has won my heart!)

(ps met anne and chole - i think anne might not be happy! i will take a photo she like soon! buts its a snow day soo what can i do! i am not impressed with mine either!!)

p.p.s since i took these photos and made my snowman - whose head has now gone! while we where eatying dinner, the only thing that shows we made a mess of the yard is the snowman!! the rest is covered again!! woooop

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww luvin the pics! mostly the snowman :-p lol xXx