Friday, October 27, 2006

lettter home 2

26th October 2006

Dear All,

Amazing stuff is happening in Canada, especially within the youth group at PGCC. I don’t know where to start! I’m not going to apologise for the long update, as I need to create a full picture and Tom and I are thinking that because such amazing stuff is going to happen the devil will try and stop it, so you would love you to pray for strength for the youth and leaders.

On Friday 13th October, we had the most amazing youth group. Tom and I had planned a session on Jesus the Leader, but God scraped those plans! And came down in the most totally amazing way. Tom wrote an update on the youth blog which will make more sense then if I tried to tell you so here’s the link: Since then we have had some amazing times in Gods presence at CATCH, just allowing God to move. The youth are starting to really get it, and I’m amazed at how their prayers have changed and their increased sensitivity to the Spirit. Here’s an example of how they’ve blown me away; I received a e-mail last week asking if the youth could pray for Tom to bless and encourage him, they then went a step further and during the Campus Fire weekend, brought him cards, a cake and biscuits and set it all out!

Some of the youth attended Campus Fire; Sam, Holly, Emma, Kjell, Ken, Hannah, Simi, Cal, Milo (Saturday), with Tanis and Tom, with Kris attending on the Saturday with Joel and Liz. I was happy to see that they ‘adopted’ John Lunn – Youth Pastor of Marine View Chapel, and Jason and Ellis. The weekend was amazing, from what I can gather and in the short chats I’ve had with them, they seem to be wanting to go to the next level, so we just need ot work out how we can equip and help them in this.

I did attended Campus Fire, but I was working for the weekend, as Pais helped to run the conference. This meant I couldn’t sit in on any of the sessions or really join the worship, but let me tell every time I needed to go into the main session for work, now matter how short a time span, I came out buzzing! Something great was happening it there! I had an awesome weekend, manning the Pais stand, sorting out odd jobs and helping with hospitality – we had a huge number of well know speakers, and 2 bands that needed to be looked after. It was great to be able to serve, and we where privileged to have some amazing volunteers.

Liz is due to have her baby this weekend, so Tom’s been busy making sure I have all the youth information and access to the church. Quite scary, as I will be making sure that youth group happens etc! But really cool and important, that we can bless Tom and Liz in this time and give them family time.

Pais has been going brilliantly J Im loving it, and cant believe I’ve been here for such a short time. I feel really at home, with the team and church.

Answered prayers:
• We’ve been given some finances as a team, so we’ve been able to purchase a printer and some office supplies.
• The schools are really opening up.

We’ve had meeting with four schools and will be doing a wide range of activities. We’ve had amazing favour and the schools seem to be really on board with what we are doing.

1. Lord Byng – we’ve been asked to help set up a café area for the students to hang out at lunch times, with the aim of releasing students into leadership and running leadership workshops
2. Simon Fraser – we will be providing a lunch club for grades 6 & 7, creating a safe environment and a sense of ownership. We are going to have a meeting with the grades 6 & 7 to discuss what they would like us to provide.
3. Eric Hamber – would like us to become learning assistants as part of the volunteer programme already in place.
4. University Hill (Uhill) – we will be helping with ESL.

We have training on a Thursday morning, and so far we have covered topics such as the trinity and the 10 commandments. Here’s a interesting snippet from yesterday talk on the 10 commandments, about the misuse of God’s name. God used to be called YHWH.

YHWH – only name is 10 top words used in the OT – the rest are words like and, it etc
- appears 6,879 times

The Jews stopped using it! They avoided risk by not saying it- they where so afraid of using it wrongly that they stopped using it – they’d say adonai. They took vowels for adonai and put into YHWH which made Yahowah – Jenovah. Jenovah is nonsense! Its not Gods name, when you see LORD in your bible it should be YHWH

I’ve moved in with Kelsey, and its pretty cool! Living downtown is pretty awesome although I haven’t had much chance to maximise it, with staying in white rock for Campus Fire and my family being here this weekend. It’s a sweet apartment with some amazing views – when its not foggy! And I have access to a cinema style rooms, gym, sauna, hot tub, swimming pool etc!

Prayer points:
• Youth group – continual anointing, protection
• Tom and Liz
• Pais:Thailand – the directors flew out this week and the team follows in January.
• Amy, Denai and I
• Schools
• Where next? By January when Paul Gibbs comes out, we need to have thought and decided about staying on a second year or not. Its obliviously not a quick decision, as all sorts of things need to be though of; finances, flights etc and of course if God’s telling me to stay here,

Thanks for everying!

God bless

Rosie Honeywell
Westside team

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