Tuesday, October 10, 2006


spot the random people from back home and look out in future blogs for updates and different people!

It was an exciting weekend because i got to speak to Jim on webcam!! How awesome is that!! However I will now start at the start of a beautiful long lazy thanksgiving weekend!

Bits of news I've accidently missed out through being to busy!!
* I had dinner with the Colby's - lovely family, whose cat is adorable. Cal's awesome and goes to youth group. I also babysat them, and had fun playing games.
* I lead a bible study in purity which was pretty cool
* A black and white cat jumped out of the bushes at me on the way to PGCC and gave me a look, an then started following me then stopped and watched me walk to church!
* I attened worship invasion which was pretty cool and an awesome time of intercessory prayer also

Rhiannon and Dom; cool ickle brother and sister who send sweet messages! They make me chuckle and this photo captures them at their best! The photo was taken by Becky my oldest sister.. whose soon to make the family bigger.. Welcome Colin!! more on them other time. Anyhows i look forward to showing these ickle 2 (and the rest of the crew) around my new home, when they come to visit, they will love it, almost as much as I do, and I bet Rhiannon cant wait to meet Joel.
* Ive been having awesome awesome prayer sessions!! so cool
* We nearly have our Pais uniform.. bring on jeans.
* Where On Earth - Sam, Johnny, Tom and Luke 'released' their music to the world.. sssh I already had it lol! They are some of the most amazing friends ever, and Im blessed to have these guys in my life! Their music is rocking so check out www.whereonearth.net or www.myspace.com/whereonearthband and listen to some of the tunes!

On Friday we had youth group, where I did a little bit on worship and then we worshiped in various ways - singing, building blocks, arts and crafts, brainstorming. We had some really cool stuff, check out the PGCC and Utown youth blog..http://utownchurch.com/youthblog/

Saturday started off okay because I got a lie-in, however they first thing i did was listen to the Saints lose! Not impresses, but then Tim and Melissa came round for pancakes so I cheered up slightly! I then went to metro-town with ROSE!! and we investigated sim cards - it costs a ton to activate the stupid things!! I then went to Rose's where we mad some canadian potato things and had a bit of online fun - you'll know when you become a recipent of certain e-mails possibly that youve caught me and rose together! I had my first ever canadian dinner (well... ill come to that later) of sasuages, pasta, courgettes and salad. We then ate sweets while watching a dodgy film... not bad dodgy just no plot and rather boring! We then saw a racoon - check out our joint blog.

Heres a pic of my gorgeous amazing Jen!! I miss her tons!! She is truly inspiring and going to lead such an amazing life! She really rocks this world, and I dont know where I would be without her smiling cheery face and amazing hugs!! Keep going gal I love you!!

Sunday started with Tom telling me my hair was fine, but me finding out when I got to Utown that it was infact a mess. Utown was cool, and we did 'youth' where we sat in a hallway and discussed highs, lows and random facts then prayed. I then had Swiss Chalet Thanskgiving dinner and got to chill with the youth and play some card games which was cool. After the youth section Tom said to the youth that he had been silly and forgotten to arrange for me to have a thanksgiving dinner so if anyone had a spare place could they invite me lol. so Sam went to his dad (which is another awesome fact, sam goes to youth and attends a different church, but helped lead Utown on worship on his bass on sunday!) and said can we have rosie over for dinner, when his dad had been feeling all service like he should invite me other, so of course I acepted the invite. Then Tom came bounding over and he had gotten me another invite but it was all cool because Liz, Joel and Tom went and had yummy food.

Sam is an amazing buddy who can me laugh and cry all in one go! I wouldnt be where I am today without him, and for that I am extermely grateful. Yeah Sam, your one rocking, amazing, awe inpsiring, beautiful, funny, ambitious lad. Cheers for the great years of friendship, I hope there are many more. My life wouldnt be the same without you.

On Monday I had a nice lie in, and got to speak to Jim (n Mum and Dad and Luce) over webcam before heading over to Sam, Mike, Darlene and Peter's for thanksgiving. They had a cat!! We had turkey, cranberry sauce, yams, some potato things that where yummy, cabbage rolls, beans, and yummy pumpkin pie and apple pie goodness(such a rose word!).

the truly amazing mush!! She is such an awesome buddy, remember her in your prayers!! Mush is the coolest Christian of the school lot and my awesome faith camp buddy! I love you tons :)

Today was campus fire day and it was mad!! I spray painted signs, and made name badges and did all sorts of funny things!!

Tomorrow I go to my first ever PGCC and Utown staff meeting with Tom, which should be cool.

At the end of the week, I move in with Kelesy, which although Im sure is going to be awesome, I am actually feeling quite sad about leaving the Sopwiths, who have been amazing. And I will really miss Joel, Kipper, Bob, Bath time and playing cars! I will have to take him to the park and to the sea to bop! Liz and Tom have been superstars in putting up with me, and I will really miss them, especially the laughs... if only we had pictures of us all on the floor with icecream buckets on our heads thanks to Joel! truely amusing.. but I reckon you had to be there! Yeah here at the Sopwiths feels like home :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww mushiness love u tons too! cnt w8 til u come bk @ crimbo! xXx