Pais::Canada is doing a 24/7 prayer week from 6th-13th May.
If you would like to join us, that would be fantastic.
Prayer needs :: Pais CanadaVancouver Eastside Team:: Rose, Rahel, TabeaIntegration
Truth in McBride Elementary
Love at John Oliver Secondary
Value shown to the students at Livingstone
Students at Tupper Secondary equipped – young leaders empowered
People journeying with and being faithful to the students at Simon Fraser
Good relationships with staff in all schools
Leader for the Eastside team next year
Connection between younger and older generation in youth groups and in schools work
Jayda – student at McBride who has recently been attending youth!
Chancy – a student from Tupper who we've made deep connection with
Vancouver Salvation Army Team:: Becky, LotteVinny – a student the team has been working with one on one.
Aries – alternative school
McDonald School – the team run a weekly drama club with the students there
History Maker – students who aren't Christians yet are going to history maker with the team! Please pray they will be open to what God has to say!
North Vancouver Team:: Jenna, Ruthie, AndrewIntegration (specifically with Grade 6 Queen Mary girls – already come to events and have relationships with Jenna)
Seycove students::
Linden (Shadowing the team on Wednesday! Wants to be a Pais worker but doesn't know Jesus, yet.)
Westview / Northshore Alliance Church would deepen their connection.
Outreach BBQ at Westview would be a success
LGCA servant leadership club would grow and change the hearts of the students to focus on outreach
LGCA car wash goes well
NSAC:: Build a core team for pre-teens at NSAC
- Heinz leaders and DIG teachers.
- Sock hand out/camp out goes well
St SIMONS:: Girls bible study develops deeper community
- Unity in youth group
- Wisdom for youth leadership
- Deeper connection between St Simon's youth and Seycove students.
Westside:: Rosie, Robin, Jess (*names of certain students changed)
- James*- robin has been working one-2-one with him
- film enrichment class; the students would continue to enjoy it and learn how to settle differences
- hugh hooper(principal) - wisdom as he leads the school (he is a christian)
Lord Byng::
- we would see the same students each week, and develop meaningful relationships with them.
- especially; leah, evan, russell
- maria(principal) - she would see her dream of school community come to fruition
- robins soccer group; numbers would increase and they would come to christ. the ice would be broken. he would love to talk about christ and answer their questions
- Anne* - that she would make wise decisions about her friends
- relationship with staff -diane- would continue to increase. we have built a strogn foundation.
- we have just started an after school drop at the church and can't advertise on the school; so that we would be able to connect with students
- for cal - a grade 8 who just started a underground prayer group in the school; right now thank god for continuing the work of his kingdom and letting me be a part of it. Also pray that ppl in the group would step up and decide that they want to practice their faith, not just believe it as a sort of safety net. And pray that god help sme have the courage and strength to stand up for him and confront ppl. (i am NOT good at confronting...)
- the school would open up to christian groups and pais.
- the youth would transition well, with tom and rosie leaving, we find the right youth pastor
- we would become more missional
- Unity
Canadian Department:: Rebecca, Ali
Recruitment- we need 9 new interns for next year
Fundraising- we need finances to make our year-end budget
Leadership- that God would continue to develop our leaders, give them wisdom etc
Calgary- that God would be preparing the hearts of those we're coming to serve there.