Monday, October 01, 2007

love.. what is it?

rainbow bridges... funny... one evening at C4 over the summer, during worship I really felt a lyric we had sung at resonate (Pais Leadership Training) stick in my mind:


We can sing these words but do we really mean it? What does it mean to stand on behalf of your generation? How much am I willing to sacrifice to see my friends and family come into the Kingdom of God? How much of my heart am I am willing to give to the cause?

Anyway from that I started drawing - which is crazy cos Im rubbish - I drew a bridge, a rainbow bridge, with water running to the cross. I didn't think that much of it, other than a cool picture, yet when we had a 'Ben Woodman' day - pastoral care, and it transpired that Tabea - a first year intern from Germany and an awesome gal, had a picture of a rainbow bridge also. I wonder what this means?

what is love? how can we show it? what does it truly mean...

'you care so much about someone that you do something for then regardless of how you feel, you care about someone regardless of what they do' jen lockwood :)

jesus love he accepts us for who we are - unconditionally its not about what i do but who i am

love is... crazy. vulnerable, scary and some times unseen

....caring for who another person is regardless of what they do

so how do you stop yourself from loving someone? do we do it without knowing so or are even aware? how long does it take for the barriers to go up.. theres so many people in my life who i know i should love but yet i have no or little feeling for, and whose fault is this.. mine or there's.. lets say its mine, because any guesses it would a heart issue, but then how did that issue occur, when did the cycle start and how to break it, with out bringing up all the dirt and filth and watching my heart splatter everywhere

but then heart splattering every where could be cool.. like a little piece of who i am infiltrating and mucking up the surrounding area - hopefully for good.

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