This term has been amazing, we have started new schools work and are in talks to start something after spring break. Every week the team has been seeing 70+ students at Lord Byng High school, and relationships are starting to form. We hand out free coffee and hot chocolate, to help start conversations and provide a place for students to hang out after school. After spring break, we are going to start opening up Westpoint Church to students from Kits High school once a week. This is an amazing opportunity as people work together from different churches and organizations for one common goal! Watch this space! I am really looking forward to this as we can use this to develop leaders from the various youth groups and we can start being missional as a team with them.
We waxed Robins legs to raise money for the team, so far we have $410, so if you want to help us reach our goal of $500 please e-mail: pais.westside@gmail.com. With the money we will be able to continue providing hot chocolate and cookies to students at Lord Byng and be able provide the team with resources like an an external hard-drive.
For me this month has been figuring things out, looking back at what has happened while looking at the future and where I want to go. D-day - decision day - is on wednesday, which means my the next stage of my life is decided. I will let you all know as so as I make my decision, where i will be going, what, and how you can support me in prayer and financially. Being in Vancouver and being on Pais has changed me so much. It has forced me grow and experience things I never thought I would, in a safe environment and tons of support, I have come out of my shell and found something I love.
Well the last month has been tough. I finally got out and did something on my weekend - even waking up on the crack of dawn! and went snowboarding with Jess, Robin and Sarah. Well Im still concussed so it was a very expensive snowboarding trip as I buy drugs and have 2 doctors bills! I had a greta day, although the effects suck. I am still getting headaches and getting tired very easily, which is a pain. So I have been doing half days, thankfully my team is amazing, and I feel completely at ease leaving them to do tasks and schools work. This month has been crazy from another point of view, with decisions to be made, e-mails and chats about the future, all while hitting my head far to many times! It kind of feels like I have been living a dream and haven't got back to reality yet.
Prayer Points:
1. Wisdom
2. Finances
3. Team
4. Schools - intentional relationships, more doors opening.
5. Healing - for my head.
Thanks for all your support.
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